A Snapshot of Me

My photo
I am a Wife, a Mother and a buisness woman.
I am going through the hardest time of my life,
while documenting it all in hopes to stay sane.

December 14, 2009

Mommy's little helper

She loves holding my measuring tape when I cut fabric.
She thinks of it as a game and giggles when I say thank you.

I couldn't ask for a better helper.

My gorgeous baby girl.
I love her more than words can say.

Early Christmas

SO I bought Olive's presents a couple weeks ago and planned on giving them to her on Christmas but it has gotten reallllly cold here and I didn't have much for her to wear. So Merry Early Christmas Pajama girl!

Grumpy Girl

Christmas is in the air

This year Devin and I decided not to wrap the presents we are getting each other, in fact we already gave each other our presents. But the stocking tradition still stands. It is a very important tradition for me. So I thought, it's Olive's first christmas, I might as well make her a personalized stocking, and while I'm at it I'll make one for myself and Devin. Here they are. 

Olive's is made out of a receiving blanket and an old pillow case.

Devin's is made out of his old work shirt and the pocket functions. 

Mine is done, I just haven't had a chance to take the picture, so it will come later.

New dress

This is a dress I sewed for Olive yesterday.
And cute pink tights to match.
She is such a girl. 

Ginger bread House

December 12, 2009


There is something wonderful about getting new thread. It's like Christmas morning for me. 

December 9, 2009

This is the love of my life <3

December 8, 2009

Merry Maids

So I was not feeling good this morning, and after a very crazy car ride by my Husband, I run into the house to throw up. About an hour later, I threw up again. I feel better, but Olive feels worse. She just spewed her guts out all over my bed. I am talking perjectile puking ladies! All over my freshly cleaned comforter. Yes, so I guess it needs to be  cleaned again... I wish I had a maid. 

Fevers and vomiting is not my idea of a fun time, but Olive and I will take what we can get.

December 7, 2009


Olive is sick (Meaning she does not look like this) Olive has been sick for about a week (That means I haven't gotten much sleep). I feel so horrible for my baby. When Olive is sick she gets clingy and too much clingy makes Mom anti-clingy. Don't get me wrong I love to cuddle with my little booger butt but when she is attached to my leg all day and won't play on her own and just wants to lay in bed with me all day, it gets old FAST. Everything is a mess and my patience is being tested every second. Since she got sick a week ago she has refused to sleep in her crib (even for a nap), she won't even sleep in my bed with me next to her. No... she wants me to hum her to sleep while she is on my chest as I lay in bed. Thats right ladies and gentlemen, we are back to the infant days all of the sudden. I have even tried putting her to sleep on my chest and then rolling her over on to the bed, by no luck. She wakes up and screams while trying to feel her way to me in a sleepy haze. I don't know what to do. I am at a loss. So for now I will go along with the little princess and I will let everything become a bigger mess. Because my baby is in pain, and the painful cry I CAN NOT stand. It rips into my heart faster than anything. 

It's funny to think that when Olive was 3 months old I yearned for her to need me like she does now, to cry when others held her, to reach out to me in desperate attempt to be in my arms. And look at how things have changed. 

So lets all say prayers for Olive so she can once again look like this.

There's no love like his

I want to take a moment and express my gratefulness for this man.

I am grateful for his freckles 
for his smile
for his triangle go-t :)
for his bear hugs
for his deep voice
for is warm brown eyes
for his perfect nose
for his bushy eye brows
for his strong arms
for his gorgeous long eyelashes
for his nearsightedness 
for his tree trunk strong legs
for his work ethic
For his olive skin
for his kind heart
for his kid mentality
for his creative mind
for his carpenter hands
for his rough hands
for his gentle touch
for his infectious laugh
But most of all I am grateful for the love he has for me and my daughter. 

Mr.Saenz I love you more than you will ever know.

December 5, 2009

Somedays I forget she was made from me

Sometimes I don't realize that I am a Mom. That I have a daughter. And that she is everything I am. That my blood runs through her veins. That she is perfect in every way. Somedays I wake up forgetting I am a Mom. Forgetting what it means. Forgetting what it is to be loved just the same. Sometimes I feel like such a Mom. Saying things I thought I never would. Doing things I hoped I'd always do. Being someone I hoped I'd always be. Somedays I feel I have nothing. But then I see those beautiful brown eyes starring back at me. 

November 20, 2009

What am I thankful for?

I could sit here all week writing down things I am thankful for, but here are a few of them.

My daughter's sweet smile
My husbands scent after a day of work
The brisk whether that has fallen over Vegas
The little family I have left
Venti Vanilla steamers with whole milk
The feet attached to my legs
A roof over my head
The creative mind God gave me
My Mother-in-law
The voice I use to sing Olive to sleep
The love I have for Devin
The love he shares with me
The formula in my daughter's stomach
Homemade taquitos I made with Devin last night
The fall leaves that cover the ground
The two jobs God blessed Devin with
Caramel Macchiato ice cream
My daughter's kidney that works
The way Devin kisses my forehead
The many people who love my daughter
And getting to spend everyday with her.

I am most thankful for my daughters current good health. It's nice getting through each day without having to run to the E.R. and worry about my baby. 

Last, I am thankful for my amazing fiance, Devin. We have been through so much together and I wake up each morning next to him, thanking God for sending him to me. Though our life isn't perfect now, it is a lot better than it was before he came to me.

    November 18, 2009

    Life in a day with Olive

    Wakes up cute, as always.

    Enjoys a nice warm bottle of milk

    Starts off on her daily adventures.

    Hops on her bike, for a joy ride.

    Acts like a dog.

    Stops for a quick, but messy, snack.

    Back to terrorizing the house.

    Gets stuck and giggles her little heart out.

    Stops for another snack.

    Yells at her Grandma.

    Chews on her Daddy's finger.

    than refuses to go to sleep.

    It's hard to be this cute.

    November 15, 2009

    olives blanket

    I have been really busy these last few days with Christmas projects. I just finished Olive's first quilt and matching stuffed owl. 
    The quilt squares are made out of Olive's old receiving blankets, the white material on the back of the quilt is my baby blanket, the owls eyes are an old pillow case and the thread is my great grandmother's. It is over 50 years old (which made it challenging) She gave me her sewing kit a couple of years ago before she passed and I have been hesitant to use anything in it, but when I decided to make Olive a quilt I new I had to put a piece of her great great grandmother in it. So now she will always be watching over my little Olive. 

    More project pictures to come. Next I am making our Christmas stockings and a 'sock elephant' for little miss O.

    November 13, 2009

    Just add water

    Olive had her very first pancakes today. 

    'Mini stack'

    And as usual Devin sits and plays a game while I feed Olive.
    I love him.

    November 11, 2009

    Makeshift Toothbrush

    My days and nights have been running together lately. With Devin's weird work hours and normal off days, it is super hard for me to keep Olive and myself on a consistent sleep schedule. So I haven't been getting the sleep I need because my body is very confused. While I am not sleeping this is what I have been doing.

    It's called a rag rug or 'toothbrush rug'
    (note my makeshift toothbrush made out of my smiths card)
    but I call it 'carpal tunnel causing mat'
    Despite the name I gave it, I do enjoy the process.

    The material is actually old bed sheets that are ruined.
    Talk about a 'GREEN MOMMA'
    I try, I try :)

    While we are on the topic of things I do when I can not sleep I might as well show you Olive's first Halloween costume, which was also made when my body didn't want to sleep. I am proud of it. It makes me smile. 


    So I thought that it was pretty easy to guess what this  is, but I have gotten so many ?'s as to what it actually is. Olive's first Halloween costume is an OLIVE. Too cute, I know. The thing is, she didn't even really wear it. She refused to wear the head band, so it defeated the purpose. But she was still beautiful with out the pimento. 

    This was my All time favorite Halloween
    Thank you for attending little Ms. O!