A Snapshot of Me

My photo
I am a Wife, a Mother and a buisness woman.
I am going through the hardest time of my life,
while documenting it all in hopes to stay sane.

May 25, 2010

He Means Well

Mr. S is always trying to find something unique for Olive. He brings home some very hilarious items. On his latest trip to the comic store, Mr.S brought home some reading material for little O.

-Lets make something clear before I tell you about the item, Mr.S is a man, meaning he skips on the details and doesn't investigate things very often.-

So he comes home all hyped up, "Look what I brought for you Little O! Daddy brought you a couple comics so that you have new reading material for story time before bed!!" He than turns to me and says, "Babe, I was at the comic store looking for the new World of Warcraft episode and saw this. It looked kinda cute and had to get it for Olive." He hands me the comics... "LENORE"

The cover of the first book was interesting but wasn't alarming. I opened the comic and started reading the first page. It was cute, it talked about how Lenore found a fairy princess outfit in her attic and was playing in the yard when some gnomes came up, mistaking her for their queen, asking her to come "home". Defiantly odd but in a cute/morrid way. It wasn't until I got to the third page that I gasped laughed my butt off. This is what I read:

When entering their "magical land"
Lenore- There's a Ba-zillion of you guys!
Creapy gnome- Yes, we've been bored so we've grown greatly in numbers.
Lenore- Wow! You can do that just by being bored?
Creepy gnome- Well there hasn't been anything to do so we've been... uh... doing the nasty. heh heh
Lenore- Nasty what?
Creepy gnome- Uh... you know, doing the horizontal hello?
Lenore- Huh?
Creepy gnome- Bumping uglies?
Lenore- Ugly whats?
Creepy gnome- Making the beast with to backs?!
Lenore- Where is the two backed beast?...
Creepy gnome- Ya know what?... let's just forget about it for now.

Yep, so it looks like I will not be reading these to Olive, rather, to myself. I find them very amusing (for me)

While Olive was taking her nap-on me- today, I read the first comic silently to myself and was pleasantly surprised. I loved it. It made me laugh and gasp and wonder. The artwork is intriguing and the jokes are very adult appropriate. I can't wait until I get to read the next comic that Mr.S bought. Here is a preview...

I am kind of disappointed that Olive can not share in on the hilarity of these comics with me. Olive loves comics. She has quite the collection. Her first comic was Supergirl. We have bought a couple of the serious of that one and she loves Astroboy, before it was a movie. Astroboy is a long comic, about 45 pages, we have read it about 100 times. Ha! She always picks Astroboy for storytime.

So I went online to see if I could find some more Lenore-based stuff and I came across this AWESOME video. Little Bunny Foo Foo was my favorite childhood song and Olive loves it too. She even tries to do the "hopping through the forest" with her hands while I sing it. But anywho, watch the video...

I find it funny. Lenore is my new obsession. Thanks Mr.S.

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