A Snapshot of Me

- Cassie-Lyn
- I am a Wife, a Mother and a buisness woman.
I am going through the hardest time of my life,
while documenting it all in hopes to stay sane.
September 28, 2010
I am thinking I might get back into blogging again soon here. Ever since Olive's surgery I just have not thought of my blog. Now that things have slowed down and my baby girl is healthy (to be explained in detail in future post) I just need to get back to writing my "online diary". It is therapeutic. So I will share with you, whoever you are, soon. Very soon.
July 4, 2010
Let me tell you
My daughter is adorably cute.
Do you know how I know this?
Well I will tell you...
(16 month old Olive)
- She helps out with chores. Olive loves to fold laundry with me, granted "folding" is more like flinging a pair of Daddy's boxers around than smashing into a ball and putting it on top of the boxer pile. If that isn't cute, I am not sure what is. She smiles and claps for herself every time she "folds" something. She also puts away dishes. Mostly the Tupperware, because thats all she can reach. Oh she also puts away the popcorn bowl, she knows right where it goes with no help from me.
- Hygiene is important to her. Olive is the queen of brushing her teeth. It is very rare to see her without a toothbrush while we are at home. When bedtime or shower time rolls around she goes right for her toothbrush and wets it herself. She also humms while brushing, it helps her concentrate on killing all that plaque! Olive also loves to wash herself with her tiny pink puff. She can even put the soap on by herself. Than she rubs the puff all over, even her face. When she is done she slam dunks the puff on the shower floor and puts her hands up for me to rinse her off. What a silly girl!
- Clutter is not her friend. When too many of her toys are out of the box she will put them all back, one by one. Cheering herself on with a clap every time she puts a toy in the box.
- Feet protection is at the top of her list. Anytime Olive sees a pair of her tennies or flip flops she immediately puts them on her feet. Well she attempts to until she gets frustrated and brings them to me and says "on".
- Cheese is her middle name! Well technically Lyn is... When a camera is present she smiles, constantly smiles. Even if the camera is not on or pointed at her, she still smiles.
- She hunches when in trouble. Funny thing. When Olive plays with the T.V. buttons or I need to talk to her and I ask her to 'Come here' she bends her torso down half way like an old person and runs to wards me. The entire time she yells "Bad bad bad bad".
- Dehydration is a big NO. Olive is all about keeping hydrated. If Olive is around, you know her sippy cup is near. She comes to me about 10 times a day with her sippy cup or as she calls it "Mulllll" meaning milk. She mostly drinks ice water, the ice is very important. She will check and make sure the ice is in there by shaking the cup. When she doesn't hear the ice, she comes back to me and hands me her cup.
- Hugs and kisses heal. Olive loves to kiss and hug Devin and I. She does not hand out her kisses or hugs to just anyone. The only other people that have gotten an Olive kiss are Grandma Aurora and Grandma Saenz. When Olive sees that I am flustered or if I am crying, she will furrow her eyebrows and come give me a kiss on each cheek, a kiss on the lips and a hug that could cure cancer. Than she looks at me and says "To oahy" Meaning 'Are you ok?' Who wouldn't feel better after that?
These are just a few of things that make Olive adorably cute.
Olive helping with the laundry at 9 months
July 3, 2010
Wholey Moley!
I went to the Wholey Moley sale while it was still going on at Old Navy and got some cute stuff for cheap! They were offering 30% off of everything in store and online. I was surprised at how little people showed up, the store was like normal. I would have bogged about it sooner but I didn't have my camera to take pics of the cute stuff we bought. But I manged to take a pic of Olive's new flip flops last night with Devin's IPhone. We got lots of stuff and only spent 18 dollars. Here's what we got...
I of course had to get 2 pairs of flip flops!!
Olive got her second Old Navy onsie-
next year we will have to get a t-shirt because she is growing fast!
And we got two pairs of baby flip flops,
she wears size 6
These are so nifty because they have the back
so that they don't slip off.
We got her this pair
A solid blue color
And another pair that are brown with pink flowers.
She loves them!
And we got her this "jersey"
Successful shopping trip :]
Late night celebration
Devin bought some sparklers and other fun stuff on the way home from school so we decided to play with them tonight since the next two night he will be busy. Here are some pictures of the fun (Taken by Devin's IPhone) Computer is still in the hospital. :(
White sparkler
Olive in awe
On of those tank sparklers
This was suppose to be a blue sparkler, I say BOO!
The red sparklers put off lots of smoke
And my cute Booga Wooga of course!
(The stork bite in the middle of her forhead still hasn't gone away)
July 2, 2010
Well the 4th of July is coming up and as usual Devin will be working BOTH jobs that day. Meaning I will only see him for about an hour for his lunch and that's it. I am ok with this, as is he, because he gets time and a half plus Sunday pay. This will help out with some money issues we are having this month but I will defiantly miss him on the 4th.\
I was invited to spend the 4th with Devin's family, as I always am when holidays roll around. I just feel so weird going to one of Devin's family gathering without him. You can defiantly say that I am anti-social. I use to be able to start a conversation with anyone and feel confident going into large groups of people but my weight has caused me to be less confident. So Olive and I won't be going to the family function on the 4th, instead we will watch a movie and eat some food, but just do our normal thing.
She is too young to even remember this so I don't feel much pressure to make it 'grand'. I do feel pressure however from his family. I feel bad saying "Thanks for the invite but I'm just staying home" because I feel as if I am being rude. My anti-social-ness does not care though, I would rather not be forced to socialize. Plus I would have to hitch a ride with the MIL making my 'get-away' difficult. I would have to stay there the whole time she is there (and she is the last to leave at family gatherings) I am not sure if they understand why I don't come. But it's not something I worry about too much. I do wish sometimes that Devin didn't have to work so much, we hardly ever see him.
Tonight will be our "4th of July" celebration. Devin has half of the day of, he actually just came in the door!!
Well happy 4th of July to everyone!
I was invited to spend the 4th with Devin's family, as I always am when holidays roll around. I just feel so weird going to one of Devin's family gathering without him. You can defiantly say that I am anti-social. I use to be able to start a conversation with anyone and feel confident going into large groups of people but my weight has caused me to be less confident. So Olive and I won't be going to the family function on the 4th, instead we will watch a movie and eat some food, but just do our normal thing.
She is too young to even remember this so I don't feel much pressure to make it 'grand'. I do feel pressure however from his family. I feel bad saying "Thanks for the invite but I'm just staying home" because I feel as if I am being rude. My anti-social-ness does not care though, I would rather not be forced to socialize. Plus I would have to hitch a ride with the MIL making my 'get-away' difficult. I would have to stay there the whole time she is there (and she is the last to leave at family gatherings) I am not sure if they understand why I don't come. But it's not something I worry about too much. I do wish sometimes that Devin didn't have to work so much, we hardly ever see him.
Tonight will be our "4th of July" celebration. Devin has half of the day of, he actually just came in the door!!
Well happy 4th of July to everyone!
June 30, 2010
Some words that brightened my day
"Woman was born to create...in creating she becomes herself, accomplishes her destiny. Her whole life is only an initiation into creative power. To create is not merely to produce a work...it is to give out ones own individuality."
-Jeanne De Vietinghoff
-Jeanne De Vietinghoff
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